ar X iv : 0 80 6 . 30 41 v 1 [ he p - th ] 1 8 Ju n 20 08 1 Baryonic matter in holographic QCD
We study baryons and baryonic matter in holographic QCD with D4/D8/D8 multi-D brane system. In large-Nc holographic QCD, the baryon appears as a topologically nontrivial chiral soliton, which is called “brane-induced Skyrmion”. We also analyze the features of the baryonic matter in holographic QCD by investigating the system of single braneinduced Skyrmion on a three-dimensional closed manifold S. We propose a new interesting picture of “pion dominance” near the critical density.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : 0 80 6 . 46 34 v 1 [ he p - ex ] 3 0 Ju n 20 08 LPHE 2008 - 05 June 30 , 2008 B 0 – B 0 MIXING
متن کامل
ar X iv : 0 80 6 . 22 70 v 2 [ he p - th ] 2 0 Ju n 20 08 An N = 1 Superfield Action for M 2 branes
We present an octonionic N = 1 superfield action that reproduces in components the action of Bagger and Lambert for M2 branes. By giving an expectation value to one of the scalars we obtain the maximally supersymmetric superfield action for D2 branes.
متن کاملBaryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD from Superstring
X iv :0 80 9. 08 05 v1 [ he pth ] 4 S ep 2 00 8 Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD from Superstring Hideo Suganuma, Kanabu Nawa and Toru Kojo a Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo 606-8502, Japan b Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan c RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, ...
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We consider manifolds with special holonomy groups SU(3), G2 and Spin(7) as suitable for compactification of superstrings, M-theory and F-theory (with only one time) respectively. The relations of these groups with the octonions are discussed, reinforcing their role in the physics of string theory and duality. We also exhibit three triple exact sequences explaining the connections between the m...
متن کاملar X iv : 0 80 1 . 29 93 v 3 [ he p - th ] 1 1 Ju n 20 08 UFIFT - HEP - 08 - 02 E 7 ( 7 ) on the Light Cone
We use the Cremmer-Julia E7(7) non-linear symmetry of N = 8 Supergravity to derive its order κ on-shell Hamiltonian in terms of one chiral light-cone superfield. By requiring that E7(7) commute with the super-Poincaré group, we deduce to lowest non-trivial order in κ, the light cone E7(7) transformations of all fields of the theory, including the graviton. We then derive the dynamical supersymm...
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